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Hope is Found


Because of Jesus, you can experience hope. No matter your situation, hope can be found today! 

COVID-19 Response
Online Services

Sunday Morning at 10:00am

Sunday Evening at 5:00pm

Wednesday Evening at 7:00pm

Online Giving

Set up one-time or recurring payments for your tithe and offerings. We appreciate your faithfulness.

Plan Your Visit

Navigate our beautiful campus like a pro. Learn where to go and when by planning your next visit with us!


Stay Connected

During this season of uncertainty, we want to help you continue to grow your faith and stay connected to Jesus and His church.

Image by Kelly Sikkema

Subscribe to receive daily encouragement from Pastor Fong. Each devotion is packed with Bible truth to help you grow in Jesus.

Image by Ben White

Prayer works! Submit a prayer request or call our Prayer Hotline to have someone pray with you over the phone.

Image by Perry Grone

This crisis is a huge opportunity for God's love to be shared. Discover how we've been reaching out and helping  our community during this time.

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